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Mbabane, Eswatini
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Moses Dlamini

Mxolisi M. Dlamini

Senior Partner
  • mxolisi@dynastyincattorneys.com
  • (268) 7615 4231
  • The New Mall, Suite 110A, Mbabane

Mr. Mxolisi Dlamini is the Senior Partner of Dynasty Inc. Attorneys. He completed his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) with the University of Eswatini in the year 2009 and thereafter attached with the International Criminal Court in Arusha, Tanzania (for the special tribunal regarding the Rwanda Genocide). Thereafter, he joined the employ of Robinson Bertram as a Candidate Attorney in February, 2010 and subsequently admitted as an Attorney of the Superior Courts (both High Court and Supreme Court of Eswatini) in the year 2011. He was then promoted to occupy the position of Professional Assistant at Robinson Bertram where he worked in that position for a period in excess of ten (10) years. He is an expert in Industrial Relations and labour related matters dealing with such from internal disciplinary procedures (internal grievance procedures), in the Conciliation Mediation Arbitration Commission (CMAC), Industrial Court, Industrial Court of Appeal, High Court and Supreme Court.

He prides himself through best service delivery that he does for prominent corporate entities in Eswatini such as the Eswatini Railways, Eswatini Post and Telecommunication Corporation (EPTC), Data Net Eswatini, Pigg’s Peak Hotel and Casino, CONCO, Ubombo Sugar and Ubombo Catering Services. FHI 360 and various other clients within the Kingdom of Eswatini.
He is a member of the Law Society of Eswatini and also an admitted attorney of the High Court and Supreme Court of Eswatini.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)