Mr. Nkosingivile Dlamini is the Managing Partner of Dynasty Inc. Attorneys having completed his Bachelor of Laws from the University of Eswatini in the year 2013. He subsequently joined RB in the same year as a Candidate Attorney and admitted as an Attorney of the Superior Courts of Eswatini in the year 2016. Nkosingivile was then promoted to the position of Professional Assistant with Robinson Bertram where he worked with the long-standing legal icon in eSwatini Mr. Knox Mshumayeli Nxumalo (who was then the Senior Partner at RB). Nkosingivile got well equipped and obtained quite impressive skills in the Administration of Estates, Drafting of Wills and Trust Documents.
In the year 2021, he was admitted as a Notary Public of the High Court. He then joined the University of Cape Town (UCT) to increase his knowledge and acquire a Tax Law Certificate and another Certificate in Estate Planning. He is now part of the great team in the liquidation of the Royal Swazi Spa Holdings Company where he is the legal representative of the Liquidator. He is a member of the Law Society of Eswatini and also an admitted attorney of the High Court and Supreme Court of Eswatini.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.